Selasa, 23 Juni 2009

The Winner Versus The Looser

The Winner Versus The Looser
The winner is always part the answer,
The looser is always part the problem.
The winner always has program,
The looser always an excuse.
The winner say, "let me do it for you"'
The looser say, " that is not my job".
the winner sees an answer for every problem,
The looser sees a proplem for a every answer.
The winner says, "it may be difficult but it is possible"
The looser say," it may be possible but it is difficult".
When a winner makes a mistake, he says, "i was wrong"
when a looser makes a mistake, he says " it wasn't my fault.
a Winner makes commitment, a Looser makes promises.
Winner haves dream, looser have schemes.
winner says,I must do something" Looser say, something must be done'
winners are a part of the team, looser are apart from the team.
winner see the gain, looser see pain.
winner see possibilities, looser see problem.
winner believe in win/win, looser believe for them to win someone has to loose.
winner see the potential, looser the the past.
winners are likea thermosthat, loosers are like thermometer.
winners choose what theys sayloosers say what they choose.